A handy API for common utils and mock data ...

I made a React webpage specifically for use as a default homepage for a Tesla vehicle. ...

I have completed a new project - ResumAPI! Why provide a regular Word doc or PDF when you can use curl commands instead?...

I was assigned a coding challenge for a Symfony Developer role. Here is what I made. ...

Here is how I deploy the Plant-Waterify API to my VPS ...

I made an iOS app to track coffee and espresso brewing. ...

I have created a demo app to showcase what I have learned. I am using a Firebase Firestore as the Database, and this data is manag...

I have started a new project to fully automate my garden. The project has 3 total parts, and is written in Python, Go and Nuxt....

A new demo project I have created a new demo project using ...
This post is part of a change deployed via CI/CD on my Gitlab server. It worked! Here’s my gitlab-ci.yml: ...